Neurological Integration System
This technique focuses on restoring the communication pathways within the nervous system to address a range of health problems. NIS can uncover underlying issues that might not be evident through traditional diagnostic methods. For example, have you ever questioned why you keep needing massage/manipulation on your shoulder but never 100% disappears? NIS may highlight a muscle or gland dysfunctional pattern that is not taught in chiropractic, physiotherapy or osteopathy.
By addressing the root causes of neurological dysfunction your symptoms can be significantly reduced or eliminated.
What happens in your session:
Sally will use a muscle test via touch and strength which your brain will sense and respond to. If the testing is weak, it demonstrates a dysfunctional pattern is occurring and not allowing the body to optimally function. This can be triggered by too much or too little physiological, neurological, pathological and emotion pressures. However, if a strong test is present, it shows your brain is congruent and providing homeostasis. A happy mind is a health body.
- Blood testing will determine cancer- it doesn’t explain why.
- Xray will show scoliosis- it doesn’t explain why.
- MRI scan will show a tendon tear- it doesn’t explain why.
- Muscle testing will show if your brain is congruent with neurological, physiological, pathological and emotional patterns- it doesn’t explain why.
Due to NIS non-invasive technique this is especially suitable for patients who may be sensitive to other therapies such as osteopathy, chiropractic or physiotherapy and prefer a lighter touch.
Positives to this treatment:
- Holistic Diagnosis
- Non- Invasive Treatment and no need to undress
- Good for chronic condition management
- Reduces pain
- Improved immune function
- Enhance emotional well-being
- Preventative care
- An individualised treatment like no other
Why choose NIS?
In the bustling landscape of health care options, NIS stands out for its comprehensive approach to addressing multifactorial issues.
Overall, by integrating NIS, Sally can offer a unique and comprehensive approach to your health care leading to better outcomes for you.