Osteopaths are qualified to degree level and are recognised allied health professionals by the NHS in England and maintain a professional registration with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC).
Osteopathy is a process specialising in diagnosing, treating a wide range of medical health conditions, and preventing musculoskeletal disorders. Our aim as osteopaths at New Forest Sports Massage Clinic is to restore the normal function and stability of your joints to encourage the body to heal itself. Osteopaths are trained to identify any serious conditions that may appear musculoskeletal but perhaps are not. In this case we would refer a patient to another health practitioner for further investigations and tests to get a further understanding of their problem.

Treatment is patient-focused and hands-on involving numerous skilled techniques, from joint manipulation (spine to peripheral joints) to soft tissue massage (ligaments, tendons, muscles) and stretching, all to promote an efficient functioning mind, body, and spirit as osteopaths look to treat the whole person.
In the professional opinion of your osteopath, they may extend the treatment to offering self-help advice on lifestyle changes to support your recovery.